

Entombed/Seeing Red
Metallica/Sweet Amber
Machine Head/Days Turn Blue To Gray
The Ark/Resurrection
The Mars Volta/Eria Tarka
Wrench/Don't Take It Out On!
Fear Factory/New Bleed (Revolutionary Designed Mix)
Soilwork/Like The Average Stalker
Muse/Stockholm Syndrome
Caliban/Bad Dream
Arch Enemy/The Immortal
In Flames/Clay Man
Strapping Young Lad/Underneath The Waves
Meshuggah/The Mouth Licking What You've Bled
Freak Kitchen/Herioin Breakfast
The Mad Capsule MarketsMidi Surf
The Crown/Rebel Angel

速くてゴツゴツしたの中心。やっぱりこういうの面白いな。ハイトーンがMuseThe Mars Voltaだけ(ヨルン・ランデみたいなのはハイトーンってあんまり言わんと思うし)、って辺りが似非メタル。